2023 PWHS Homecoming Book Ad
The Senior Class of Plymouth Whitemarsh High School is soliciting ads from the community to be placed in the 2023 Homecoming Program, which will be distributed at our Homecoming football game on October 6th, 2023.
These ads will help students raise money to defray the cost of the Senior Class Trip to Florida. One hundred percent of the price of the ad will be applied to the student’s account and deducted from the total cost of the trip.
As you can see, these ads can make a significant impact for the students.
Ads are available in full, half, and quarter-page layouts, in addition to business card and single-line sizes. The book is a standard 8 ½ X 11, portrait layout.
Prices are as follows:
Ad book is in portrait format. All ads are black and white.
Full Page (8 ½ X 11) $100
Half Page (8 ½ X 5 ½ ) $50
Quarter Page (4 ¼ X 5 ½ ) $25
Business Card $15
Single Line $5
Ads can be submitted electronically, with instructions provided upon payment.
Payment Method: Paper Check made payable to PWHS Class of 2024 or Paypal to PWSENIORTRIP@GMAIL.COM
What size ad would you like to purchase?