
Sponsor Helper has opened the door to new sponsors and has made the management of our existing sponsors much cleaner and easier.
Board Member, Volunteer Parent
Cheltenham Sports

.... We took a leap and teamed up with Sponsor Helper, we couldn't be happier with the amount of success our organization has had in a short amount of time. We can't thank Sponsor Helper enough!
President, Volunteer Parent
Spring-Ford Youth Football and Cheer
Youth Sports Organizations
We help nonprofit sports organizations advance their mission by managing their sponsorship program from beginning to end. Sponsorship is just too important to your nonprofit to not give it the full time attention it deserves. Let Sponsor Helper take the worry out of this topic and join your team to drive success!

Dedicated Cause Organizations
We are as passionate about sponsorships as you are about your dedicated cause, with that level of dedication just imagine how we can help your organization. From one day events to other ongoing sponsorship needs, we support your mission with a custom solution and attention to detail that is unmatched. Let us make this topic an easy one for you going forward.

School Related Groups and Clubs
Why should the local youth sports nonprofits have all resources? We help school related nonprofit groups reach for the stars with sponsorships. With parents pulled in so many directions their limited resources are needed in other areas. Our professional and custom solution will take sponsorships off the long list of things our dedicated teachers and staff and volunteers have to worry about. From school sports teams, clubs, PTOs, to the spring musical, our custom solutions will get the job done for your group.