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Dollar Dog Night ๐Ÿ’ต๐ŸŒญ Sponsorship - SFYAL

SKU 10008HDN


*** NEW FOR 2024 ***


Who says you have to go to South Philly for Dollar Dog Night?  Join Spring-Ford Youth Athletic League as a sponsor of your very own DOLLAR DOG NIGHT ๐Ÿ’ต๐ŸŒญ.  Sponsor will receive a custom banner advertising their dollar dog night at the park on 1 side and a standard print on the 2nd side. Dollar Dog Night will take place near the end of the spring season on an agreed-upon weekday night.  SFYAL will then agree to sell hot dogs for $1 all night long (50% off). 


Sponsor is encouraged to advertise their special night on social media and SFYAL will do the same. Sponsor is welcome to attend the park that night and set up a table to meet the community. Sorry, there is no snack bar at Victory Park so it is not eligible for this special event.  This is an exclusive event and only 1 Dollar Dog Night will be offered in 2024. 


After your event takes place, we will switch the banner to the second side and you can be at the park with your custom banner all season long!


Only 1 left in stock

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